NaNoWiMo Makes No Sense, Just Like Its Abreviation
Even though November is National Novel Writing Month, it is now nearly the end of November, and I am no closer to having a finished novel...
Me Too.
I'm also not a huge fan of hashtags whenever there's a tragedy. We become desensitised to what's going on around us. We diminish...
For Those of Us Asking "Where's the Love?"
When I was a little kid, my sister and I briefly collected little handheld Sonic videogames from McDonalds Happy Meals. We walked around...
Let me get real with you guys for a moment: I've had a tough week. I'm tired. Jet lag is still upon me. I've been homesick a little bit,...
Week of Reviews: Mental Health in Music
First things first: I survived my second to last round of finals (barely)! I am also not-so-patiently waiting for June to come, and for...
Well-Rounded Identities
A few weeks ago, there was controversy surrounding an Affirmative Action bake sale put on by a registered student organization on campus....
Project #LetLoveRein
Love makes the world go 'round. If you don't believe me, go ask Aloe Black. He was the one who originally said it. But, I'd have to...
"Do You All Do Afro Hair?"
How many of y'all remember school picture day in Elementary School? We'd all line up single-file, drudge down to the gym to wait in an...
MYTHBUSTERS: We Are All One Race
​​CLAIM: We're all one race...the human race. Is this true? Are we all really one race? No, we are not. This statement is quite the...
Black Wall Street: An Untold Story
That awkward moment when you forget to finish a blog post, but it's published, and all your readers will see is this link and picture...