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Project #LetLoveRein

Love makes the world go 'round. If you don't believe me, go ask Aloe Black. He was the one who originally said it. But, I'd have to agree!

Over the past several months--maybe more like year and a half--I've started to follow a host of lifestyle, fashion, travel, natural hair or even parenting bloggers (hey, a teacher can use these parenting tips...don't judge me), and one thing I've noticed that all of them have in common is that they preach love. Ashley Sirah Hinton-Chea, the creator of Watermeloneggrolls and author of the children's book Beautiful, Beautiful Me has a montra that she puts at the very forefront of her website: We were born to create, love and empower. Through following her and her family on social media, it is evident that she truly believes and follows this in her life.

And this has stuck with me.

My brain had some time to marinate on this "we were born to create, love and empower" when I met up with Indira of Indira's Inner Beauty for a photo shoot. Indira is a passionate feminist, equal and civil right's advocate, YouTuber, Blogger and student at the University of Illinois . She grew up in Michigan, then moved to the Chicago Suburbs in high school, where she became friends with my sister--and later, with me, of course! Indira takes great pride in her Latin and Indian heritage and cultures, enjoys traveling and writing--very much like myself, so you already know we hit it off right away!

We came up with Project #LetLoveRein as a way of spreading love, light and positivity and to celebrate ourselves and our identities. The project will consist of 3 different components, and will take place over the course of April. The both of us hope your day will be brightened, that you will be educated, and that you'll learn a little more about the both of us during this project that starts next week!

If you're in the Champaign-Urbana area and are interested in taking part in this project, please contact either Indira or myself! We would love to have you participate!

Love and light,

Reina M

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Images on Home Page by Julia Gralczyk Photograpy
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