Victory Lap: The Strengths and Struggles of Super Senior Status
Yesterday marked my last first day of school as an undergraduate when really I should be starting my first first day of school as a...

For Those of Us Asking "Where's the Love?"
When I was a little kid, my sister and I briefly collected little handheld Sonic videogames from McDonalds Happy Meals. We walked around...

Review and Revise: Tips on Editing Your Work
The day that I first showed my parents the first edition of my first novel, my mom flipped so a page and found a spelling mistake....
10 Things I Will Miss About Scotland
Alas, the final installment of the Black and Abroad Blog Series. I'm writing this from across the pond, but by the time you read this,...
10 Things I Miss About The USA
1. Chicago Style Pizza Italian-style pizza is fantastic, but there's just something about the thick, delicious cheese and pile of...