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When Your Mind Says, "I Literally Can't Even." Writer's Block and How to Overcome

Writer's Block is the worst of all creative devils. It's like catching a cold--you don't really know where it came from, when it's ending, if or when it'll come back again. Writer's Block hits me sometimes as often as several times a day, and usually it sets in the second I sit down to put my thoughts down on paper. It's annoying. However, there is a cure! Well, sort of--there are ways to combat the symptoms. Check below for my top tips on how to overcome Writer's Block:

1. START SMALL // The worst of WB usually comes to me when I'm stuck in on a chapter in the middle of a novel, and I'm trying to figure out where to direct the story. When this happens, an effective solution is to take a break from your big work and go to something small. A short story that's less than ten pages, a one-page writing prompt or poem, a song, a short article on something you're passionate about, a blog post--the list could go on and on.

2. READ // All great writers read. It's a great source of inspiration and motivation. After reading several science fiction books, I was inspired to start a science fiction work of my own. Scary short stories gave me a couple of ideas for a short ghost story of my own. If you finish a book and still aren't motivated, pick up another one!

3. GET OUT // Many of my story ideas come from real-life experiences, people, places and situations. If you're in a rutt with your writing, take a break, get out of your house and go do something--anything! It could be as simple as walking around your neighborhood...odds are you'll see something that will give you an idea for something as simple as the scenery and imagery that you find on your block. It could be as elaborate as going to another country and taking a writer's vacation, or even a weekend trip a couple of hours away. Not only will it give you some ideas for stories, but you'll gather some cool finds in the process; my roommate and I have started traveling around to other small towns near ours on the weekends, and have discovered some cool things from great picture spots, peaceful parks and forest preserves, to gourmet fudge shops! We never go very far--no more than 30 minutes--but it's sparked ideas for new short stories, new chapters, and new plot twists for some of my stories in the works.

4. BE CREATIVE // Spark your creative writing by being creative in other ways. When I'm not in a writing mood, I bust out my watercolors or colored pencils and get to work with art instead; or I'll grab my camera, head to campus, and take some photos; or I'll crank up the tunes (do people still say that? I'm bringing it back) and sing some of my favorite songs.

How do you conquer Writer's Block? Share your tips below!



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