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Picture Post: 60 Degrees in January!

Welcome to Illinois--where the weather must be on something, because last year this time, it was frigid...and now we've got a heatwave. Not exactly a heatwave to most, but anything above 50 degrees in IL is a blessing straight from God. I took advantage of the warm weather and had some new pictures taken for my website and social media pages.

Not to mention I love modeling and photography (read more about that here). I'm learning to celebrate myself, especially after these past crazy couple of years. I turned 22 on the 19th, and while my birthday was rather mundane (class for 11 hours...whoopie!), I am incredibly grateful and blessed to have come to this birthday. 2 years ago, I wasn't so sure if I would make it from day to day, let alone year to year. So yes, I enjoy taking pictures of myself and posting them because I'm finally at a place where I can smile at what I see reflected back at me.

Outfit Details:

Sweater Tunic: Macy's

Leggings: Rue21

Headband: Icing

Hair: Cantu Leave-In Conditioner, Wild Growth Hair Oil, Carol's Daughters Hair Milk Curling Cream, As I Am Curling Jelly, African Pride Edge Control

My legwarmers, boots and scarf were all either Christmas or birthday gifts, so I'm not sure where they're from!

Photos by Fotos Royales Photography



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© 2016 by Reina F McKenzie. Proudly created with WIX.COM
Images on Home Page by Julia Gralczyk Photograpy
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