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Challenge Accepted

When was the last time you did something difficult? When was the last time you did something seemingly impossible? A few days ago, I reached a milestone in my career as an author: my debut novel, Stepping Out of Line turned 5 years old! 5 years ago, if you'd told me all the doors my debut novel would've opened, I would've turned my eyebrows up at you and said, "no way--that's impossible."

Nothing worth having ever comes easy, and thankfully, this was a lesson instilled in me at a young age. To accomplish great things, you have to put in great works--whether it be something you're actively working towards, such as a goal, or something thrown your way that you've had to overcome. I speak rather openly now on my PTSD diagnosis and struggles. I have made huge strides, leaps and bounds, even after being diagnosed with this disorder, but I had to work my butt off for them. I had to ask for **gasp** help....on more than one occasion. I had to take time to heal, and despite the challenge that was thrust in my face rather suddenly, I made it out on the other side with another published novel, a growing arts and illustration service and business, a couple of semesters shy of finishing my degree, a world traveler, a successful preschool teacher, and a more experienced singer and songwriter. All while facing the challenge of an invisible illness.

Not all challenges are brought on so suddenly and are as unwanted as this one was. In fact, one of my greatest challenges was my debut novel. I hadn't finished a story or a novel before that one in years, never mind actually going forward from there and sharing it with the rest of the world. One of my greatest challenges this past year was running a 5K without stopping. I trained for about three months, ran at an incredibly slow pace and thought I was for certain meeting the face of death at least seventeen different times during that forty five minutes--but I finished. It was the first time in my life I'd ever run for so long without any breaks. It was the first time in my life I'd ever enjoyed running distance.

Over my month long winter break, I decided to challenge myself with my writing. For the novels I am set on finishing, I challenged myself to make good headway and get the covers in for them in order so I can get some early publicity for them going. In addition to those, I challenged myself to write shorter stories, which is something that I never do. But I didn't stop there: these shorter stories will also be genres or on topics I don't typically write or write about. For Christmas, I got a new camera, so you know what that means...time to become a photographer! I am truly happiest when I am creating, and especially when I am creating purposefully; and while there may be times where I slack on making use of my artistic talents, I am commiting myself to pushing forward and bettering my skills. To do this, I will challenge myself to keep creating, to stay inspired, and to be inspiring.

What will you challenge yourself to do in 2017?

Much love,


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