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Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hello readers!

This will be a first for me, but this post won't be some sappy, overly gusto Reina talking about changing the world--it'll be photos! For those who may not know, I am obsessed with traveling and Spanish. Over the summer, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit a place related to both of these obsessions: Buenos Aires, Argentina! My days were filled with rushing down the busy streets, enjoying pizza and wine for lunch, visiting every last bookstore downtown, and searching for something floral printed for my (not then, but since then!) dear back at home. I was able to connect with an old friend and meet several new folks and friends along the way. This trip helped inspire some aspects for a future story, so stay tuned! It may be hitting the shelves one of these days! But for now, enjoy these snapshots of this busy South American city!


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Images on Home Page by Julia Gralczyk Photograpy
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